Tom Perry
Thomas Perry
Marketing Technology Executive

Area of Expertise
Digital Strategy, Digital Transformation
Tom began his career in digital as a social media manager in the CompuServe Forums of the 1980s, helping to create many of the best practices still in use today. This led to his tenure at AOL where he led all financial content across all of AOL’s web properties. He later led analytics, ad serving and finally was in charge of seven branded web portal News, Weather, Sports, Autos, Careers, Money & Business & Community channels viewed by 70 million people daily. At this time that Tom worked with a new internet company called Google on developing new ideas to monetize search and to place targeted advertising on content pages via Google’s partnership with AOL.
In the mid-2000s, Tom joined Abbott Labs just as the global life sciences company was ready to go all-in on the Internet with its consumer brands. Bringing his AOL experience, Tom worked on brands like Similac, Pedialyte, Ensure and others in over 60 countries where he taught digital marketing to local teams worldwide. Tom’s teams introduced many innovations for the company such as the successful Similac Baby Journal mobile app first built for the iPhone 3, earning dozens of marketing awards.
Tom later led all digital marketing technologies for all 9 Divisions at Abbott promoting pharmaceuticals, nutrition, medical optics, diagnostics, molecular and medical devices. Finally, Tom was responsible for global digital marketing, social media and digital governance for the wildly successful FreeStyle Libre™ continuous glucose monitoring system and wearable, once again introducing innovations such as Atomic Design methodologies.
Tom lives in the bay area with his wife Ruth, who is Senior Director of Nursing Operations over two hospitals in San Francisco where she led the hospitals’ entire COVID response including policies, incident command, 2 C19 wards and 2 mass vaccination sites. Which makes her a far greater badass than Tom ever could hope to become. They have three children and three digitally-savvy grandchildren.
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