Sarah Lynn
Burr Pilger Mayer
IT Security Advisory Partner

Area of Expertise
The Evolution of Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity Basics, Cybersecurity Regulations, GDPR, Privacy & CCPA, Incident Response, Cyber Risk Management, Cybersecurity Strategy
30+ years, in IT, Information Security, Compliance, Risk Management, Advisory/Audit Prep, Business Continuity/DR, Operations, and Technology Engineering.
Sarah has a remarkable amount of energy, critical thinking and analytical skills, as well as entrepreneurship that can lead any company and its staff, into new chartered waters, with confidence that the business will continue to meet its objectives. She has the ability to build extra-ordinary teams and lead in times of daily operations, growth, prosperity and emergency.
Panels, Boards, Nominations: ISASA-SAC (Auditing in the Cloud), Embrane Technical Advisory Board (member), A10 Technical Advisory Board (member), Cisco CIO Advisory Board (member), Whistic (Technical Advisory), PwC’s Society’s Code of Conduct and Change Mgmt. (participant), PwC’s Global State of Information Security® (participant), 2014 ISC2 InfoSec Rockstar nominee for the 4th Annual Americas Information Security Leadership Achievements Program (AM-ISLA) for South, Central and North American region.

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